Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Houmas House Tour & Fine Dining

houmas house plantation tour

Welcome back to Houmas House!  If you missed Part 1, click here.  Let’s continue the tour with the dining and kitchen areas.
The table in the dining room is set out in all it’s splendor!
houmas house plantation tour
All of the lovely plantation homes in the South has pineapples.  They are a sign of hospitality!  There is even a brass pineapple on the hearth which you can see in the next picture.
houmas house plantation tour
A few pieces of the original china still exist.
houmas house plantation tour
As we left the dining room, we walked down the hallway to a large open room which had a few more tabletop goodies!
houmas house plantation tour
Has you ever seen a silver barbeque pit?
houmas house plantation tour
It does have the look of one doesn’t it?  But it’s actually a roast beef server!
houmas house plantation tour
This room has French doors that exit to the back porch and beyond to the outdoor kitchen.  Here’s a peek though the door.  You can see part of the fabulous gardens though the other door.
Remember the original china?  They do have reproductions, approximately 600 pieces!  The lady to the right in the picture below is actually a server for a wedding that was going on.  She was dipping some type of soup or gumbo into cups for the guests.
houmas house plantation tour

Did I mention there is an onsite restaurant?  Actually, Houmas House is the home of Latil’s Landing Restaurant, Café Burnside, Le Petite Houmas Restaurant and the Wine Cellars of Houmas House.  For more info, go to HoumasHouse.com.
I hope you enjoyed this part of the Houmas House tour!  If you missed Part 1, click here.  Be sure to stop by Friday for the garden tour!  It is totally awesome!
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Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters
Let’s Dish @ Cuisine Kathleen
Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Seasonal Sundays @ The Tablescaper
Grace at Home @ Imparting Grace
Make it Pretty @ The Dedicated House
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll thru Life
Open House @ No Minimalist Here
Tuesdays Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
The Scoop Link Party @ The Farmhouse Porch
Tuesdays at Our Home @ Our Home Away From Home
Show Me What Ya Got @ Not JUST A Housewife
Be Inspired Friday @ Common Ground
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Fabulously Creative Party @ Jennifer Rizzo
Tweak it Tuesday @ Cozy Little House
Tips, Tutorials, & Tidbits @ StoneGable
Spring Party @ DIY by Design
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style


  1. Saw the house and had lunch there (an earlier post). Did not tour, though. Thanks for the pictures!

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Tammy. It is so beautiful. I love old houses, they are so charming and this is no exception....Christine

  3. What a beautiful home Tammy! Your site is so pretty and I can't wait to look through more of your posts. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and writing such a sweet comment. I"m following you on facebook and pinterest now. I would love it if you followed me too, if you are interested. :)

  4. Gorgeous home and thank you for sharing such great pictures.

  5. All of the chandeliers are so beautiful. I wouldn't want to keep the barbecue shined up!

  6. Fabulous house and tour! I enjoyed viewing the dining room and the antique china in the glassed cabinet thanks for sharing!


  7. Very nice! I love the roast beef server! Can you imagine!


Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! I try to return the favor and visit each one of you! ~Blessings, Tammy~