Home & Garden Thursday @ A Delightsome Life
Tutorial, Tips & Tidbits @ StoneGable
Today I’m joining Kelly’s Korner Blog for Show Us Your Life. Today’s party is focusing on how we display are pictures. I do have one wall of pictures in my upstairs hallway but I couldn’t show it to you because I accidentally knocked one down the other day and broke the glass! The rest of my pictures are scattered here and there. The first picture is from the master bedroom which has a few family photos on the dresser.
Another in the master bath.
I’ve recently put a few out in the office which I’ve been working on.
I’m been busy painting furniture and trying to organize supplies and papers!
One in the living room….
and here are several in the entertainment center. This is a shallow deep shelf above the television. I purchased some photo boxes from Hobby Lobby and lined them up in the back to store extra photos and Christmas DVD’s. That left me a little space towards the front for some picture frames.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Show Us Your Life @ Kelly’s Korner Blog
Typeset letters and a sunburst style mirror is what I used for my latest living room update!
This past weekend we went to Fort Morgan, Alabama! Unfortunately, it rained most of the time but I found a way to entertain myself. Old Time Pottery!!! I’ve only been able to go there a few times since we don’t leave anywhere near one. I picked up some letters to do a project that I’ve had on my mind for awhile. My daughter had this mirror in her room and decided it didn’t fit her décor anymore so out it went! I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it but didn’t know where I wanted to put it.
I saw a picture in a Ballard Designs catalog where they used their typeset letters and a sunburst style mirror as the “O.” I recently took down the picture I had hanging over the piano and replaced it with a mirror. There was already a nail on the wall so I just hung the mirror there to see if I like it. It was lower than I would have put it but I really liked it. It just seemed to be a little bare over it and I thought of the “HOME” art work!
I picked up the letters at Old Time Pottery for $2 each! Now, my dilemma is, do I paint the letters? or do I paint the mirror? or do I leave it the way it is? What do you think? Help me out here now.
I like hanging mirrors opposite windows to help reflect light back into the room. This one is opposite the french doors going out onto the screen porch. It helps to brighten up this area a little.
This painting is a recent yard sale find for $10. I love the blue!
So whatca think? Should I or shouldn’t I paint? If you like the lettered art work, check out my EAT art in the kitchen!
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Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors